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Applesauce making is a favorite family tradition. Using a Victorio food strainer makes the job simpler. Instead of having to peel and core each apple, we simply quarter the apples and boil them with a small amount of water until they are soft. We scoop the mushy mixture into the hopper. Applesauce comes out one way and the peels, pulp and seeds come out the other way.

This machine reminds me of the set of questions asked by Greg McKeown in his book, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. He suggests we ask

“what do I want to go big on?” instead of “what do I have to give up?” Looking at it from the perspective of longing rather than loss is impactful.

For my family right now, one of the things we are “going big on” is our Saturday morning computer programming. We are reserving that time to make sure the older children get unhurried time to learn coding skills with Dad. There are many good things we turn down each Saturday to keep this time free, but it’s exciting to see the momentum that comes from working consistently.